annotator.registry package

class annotator.registry.Registry

Registry is an application registry. It serves as a place to register and find shared components in a running annotator.App.

You won’t usually create your own Registry – one will be created for you by the App. If you are writing an Annotator module, you can use the registry to provide or override a component of the Annotator application.

For example, if you are writing a module that overrides the “storage” component, you will use the registry in your module’s configure function to register your component:

function myStorage () {
    return {
        configure: function (registry) {
            registry.registerUtility(this, 'storage');
annotator.registry.Registry.prototype.registerUtility(component, iface)

Register component component as an implementer of interface iface.

  • component – The component to register.
  • iface (string) – The name of the interface.

Get component implementing interface iface.

Parameters:iface (string) – The name of the interface.
Returns:Component matching iface.
Throws LookupError:
 If no component is found for interface iface.

Get component implementing interface iface. Returns null if no matching component is found.

Parameters:iface (string) – The name of the interface.
Returns:Component matching iface, if found; null otherwise.
class annotator.registry.LookupError(iface)

The error thrown when a registry component lookup fails.