Configuring and using Annotator

This document assumes you have already downloaded and installed Annotator. If you have not done so, please read Installing before continuing.

The basics

When Annotator is loaded into the page, it exposes a single object, annotator, which provides access to the main annotator.App object and all other included components. To use Annotator, you must configure and start an App. At its simplest, that looks like this:

var app = new annotator.App();

You probably want to keep reading if you want your Annotator installation to be useful straight away, as by default an App is extremely minimal. You can can easily add functionality from an Annotator module, an independent components that you can load into your application. For example, here we create an App that uses the default Annotator user interface (annotator.ui.main()), and the storage component in order to save annotations to a remote server:

var app = new annotator.App();

This is how most Annotator deployments will look: create an App, configure it with include(), and then run it using start().

If you want to do something (for example, load annotations from storage) when the App has started, you can take advantage of the fact that start() returns a Promise. Extending our example above:

var app = new annotator.App();
.then(function () {

This example calls load() on the annotations property of the App. This will load annotations from whatever storage component you have configured.

Most functionality in Annotator comes from these modules, so you should familiarise yourself with what’s available to you in order to make the most of Annotator. Next we talk about how to configure modules when you add them to your App.

Configuring modules

Once you have a basic Annotator application working, you can begin to customize it. Some modules can be configured, and you can find out what options they accept in the relevant API documentation.

For example, here are the options accepted by the module: Let’s say we have an annotator-store server running at We can configure the http() module to address it like so:

app.include(, {
    prefix: ''

Writing modules

If you’ve looked through the available modules and haven’t found what you want, you can write your own module. Read more about that in Module development.